<<nobr>>\n<<set $gameIdeaIndex = random(0, $gamelist.length - 1)>>\n<<set $mechanicIdeaIndex = random(0, $mechanicslist.length - 1)>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\nIt's like <<print $gamelist[$gameIdeaIndex]>> but <<print $mechanicslist[$mechanicIdeaIndex]>> \n\n<<tweet>>\n\n[[Generate Another|Game Idea:]]
try \n{\n\tversion.extensions['tweet'] = \n\t{ \n\t\tmajor:0, minor:1, revision:0 \n\t};\n\n\tmacros['tweet'] = \n\t{\n\t\thandler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) \n\t\t{\n\t\t\tgamename = state.history[ 0 ].variables[ "gamelist" ][ parseInt( state.history[0].variables[ "gameIdeaIndex" ] ) ];\n\t\t\tmechanic = state.history[ 0 ].variables[ "mechanicslist" ][ parseInt( state.history[0].variables[ "mechanicIdeaIndex" ] ) ];\n\t\t\tgameidea = "It's like " + gamename + " but " + mechanic;\n\t\t\tnew Wikifier(place, "<html><a href=\s"https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%23GameIdea " + gameidea + " GameIdeaGenerat.org\s">tweet this</a></html>");\n\t\t},\n\t\tinit: function() { }\n\t};\n} \ncatch(e) \n{\n\tthrowError(place,"macrodemo Setup Error: "+e.message); \n}
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<<nobr>>\n<<gglanalytics>>\n<<inittwitter>>\n<<set $gamelist = \n[ \n"Candy Crush Saga™",\n"Kim K Hollywood",\n"Guacamelee",\n"Papers, Please",\n"Mass Effect",\n"The Sims",\n"QWOP",\n"Silent Hill",\n"Mario Kart",\n"Mario Tennis",\n"Minesweeper",\n"Final Fantasy",\n"Tetris",\n"Frogger",\n"Bomberman",\n"Bioshock",\n"Banjo Kazooie",\n"Legend of Zelda",\n"Limbo",\n"Mortal Kombat",\n"Half Life 2",\n"Portal",\n"Left 4 Dead",\n"Space Invaders",\n"WarioWare",\n"Angry Birds",\n"Wii Fit",\n"Dance Dance Revolution",\n"Guitar Hero",\n"Grand Theft Auto",\n"Call of Duty",\n"Pokemon",\n"Minecraft",\n"Skyrim",\n"World of Warcraft",\n"Starcraft",\n"Pac-Man",\n"Donkey Kong",\n"Halo",\n"Animal Crossing",\n"Super Smash Bros",\n"Gone Home",\n"Nintendogs",\n"Cooking Mama",\n"Need for Speed",\n"Farmville",\n"Rogue Legacy",\n"Fez",\n"Super Time Force",\n"Sound Shapes",\n"Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime",\n"N+",\n"Far Cry",\n"The Yawhg",\n"Starseed Pilgrim",\n"Fate Tectonics",\n"Mount Your Friends", \n"Towerfall",\n"Hotline Miami",\n"Psychonauts",\n"Goat Simulator",\n"Counter Strike",\n"Cities: Skylines",\n"DayZ",\n"Dark Souls",\n"Sonic the Hedgehog",\n"Dragon Age",\n"Fallout",\n"Super Metroid",\n"Borderlands",\n"BrokenFolx",\n"Metal Gear Solid",\n"Night In The Woods",\n"Katamari Damacy"\n]>>\n<<set $mechanicslist = \n[\n"with dead bodies",\n"with babies",\n"actually good",\n"with butts",\n"with KITTENS!",\n"in someone's digestive system",\n"everyone's actually a ghost",\n"it's a dating sim",\n"it's a visual novel",\n"it's a twine game",\n"with way more nudity",\n"with youths",\n"super serious",\n"with way more violence",\n"with way more swears",\n"it takes place at Medieval Times",\n"everyone's on drugs",\n"all the characters are PUPPIES",\n"you're a janitor",\n"with hot dogs",\n"the currency is Skittles™",\n"wayyyy gorier",\n"with more love stories",\n"you're knitting instead",\n"you're kissing instead",\n"with more Mean Girls references",\n"all the art is designed by a 6-year-old",\n"it has Twitter functionality",\n"it uses a Dance Dance Revolution pad",\n"with an Oculus Rift",\n"you only use one button",\n"with Girl Scouts",\n"it's a metaphor about SOCIETY",\n"all the characters are magical girls",\n"all the characters make dad jokes",\n"with way more puns",\n"with way more sexual innuendos",\n"with more physics puzzles",\n"it's a text adventure",\n"it's a 1940s LA noire-themed adventure game",\n"with time travel",\n"it takes place in a 1990’s high school",\n"with an ironically terrible soundtrack",\n"it's a metaphor for puberty",\n"all the characters are classic movie monsters",\n"all the characters speak in a made up language",\n"it's a social commentary about violence in video games",\n"all the characters are made of food items",\n"we make it a freemium game",\n"with a MAJOR PLOT TWIST",\n"with parkour",\n"with motion control",\n"it's a VR game",\n"it's a MMORPG",\n"it uses Kinect",\n"with more internet memes",\n"with more scantily clad men, amirite?",\n"you can only communicate with emojis",\n"for the Apple Watch",\n"it's basically porn",\n"it uses amiibos",\n"with cat poo",\n"with bees?",\n"for kids",\n"it's an educational game",\n"with interactive torture scenes",\n"it's an interactive art piece",\n"it's a metaphor for child birth",\n"it takes place in purgatory",\n"with in-app purchases",\n"it's a Facebook game",\n"it has Vikings in it",\n"it takes place during the Cold War",\n"it takes place in England during World War II",\n"with pixel art",\n"with voxels",\n"it's a MOBA",\n"it's a multiplayer game with alt controllers",\n"it's a rhythm game",\n"it's a survival horror game",\n"only on the new NEW 3DS™",\n"in SPACE",\n"as a Flappy Bird clone",\n"with a low poly art style",\n"with jump scares",\n"with more quick time events",\n"it’s a collectible card game",\n"it’s a match-3 puzzle game",\n"it’s a walking simulator",\n"it’s not a game",\n"it’s an OUYA Exclusive",\n"it’s licensed by Disney®",\n"it’s entirely procedurally generated",\n"it’s a physical party game",\n"with a badass lady biker gang",\n"it’s a dress up game",\n"with more relationship options",\n"it uses the Game Boy link cable",\n"it’s teaches kids about safe sex",\n"it takes place inside someone’s brain",\n"with 100% more goats",\n"most of it is only available in DLC",\n"it has a day one embargo",\n"it requires an always on internet connection",\n"it features mingleplayer",\n"with ragdoll physics",\n"with dick physics",\n"it’s full of SPIDERS",\n"it’s super broken",\n"you have to watch ads to continue playing",\n"it’s really fucking difficult",\n"it’s a gritty origin story",\n"your decisions matter in the sequel",\n"the soundtrack is entirely scored by Robby Duguay",\n"the soundtrack is entirely scored by Disasterpeace",\n"with 100% more fart jokes",\n"with CANDY",\n"everyone is eating pizza all the time",\n"on a bike",\n"in the future",\n"the soundtrack features a children's choir",\n"with motion capture performances by Willem Dafoe",\n"with motion capture performances by Steve Buscemi", \n"featuring the voice talent of Troy Baker",\n"featuring the voice talent of Nathan Fillion",\n"with permadeath",\n"you play as the ground",\n"with difficult moral choices"\n]>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\nYou will make MILLION$ with theSE AMAZING & TOTALLY UNIQUE GAME IDEAS\n\n[[Generate Game Idea|Game Idea:]]
Made by <a href="https://twitter.com/gabdar" target="_new">@gabdar</a> & <a href="https://twitter.com/andrewcarvalho" target="_new">@andrewcarvalho</a>
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